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Issue 43 — BurnType

This piece is part of the AAVVGG Archive and not currently part of the collection.

Posterzine™ is People of Print's monthly publishing project taking the form of a mini-magazine which folds out into a gorgeous A1 format poster (594 x 841 mm). Lithographically printed by Pressision Ltd in Leeds, UK using two special spot colours.

This issue is printed with process black and warm red ink.

Founded by Michael Bagnardi, BurnType's high impact typeface designs are plastered onto rude words and pornographic phrases expressing their bold perspective on how type should be. "Let type be loud. Let Language be coarse. Life is too short for boring fonts" and we couldn't agree more.  

Designer BurnType, USD (2019)
Size A1 Poster (594 x 841 mm)
Origin Printed in the UK

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