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Blaze Pocket Moleskine Notebook

This piece is part of the AAVVGG Archive and not currently part of the collection.

The notebook has long been an essential item in every explorer's pocket, from Charles Darwin to Frida Kahlo. Whether you're discovering a new continent or a new neighbourhood, our Blaze Pocket Notebook is the perfect companion for field research of any kind.


Proudly debossed on the front cover, the Start of Trail blaze arrangement has come to represent something much larger than just a trail marker at Frontier. It is a confident and simple piece of wayfinding leading a path forward. Carry our Blaze Pocket Notebook wherever you go and you'll always have a reminder that, with the right attitude, a starting point can be anywhere you make it.



Moleskine Pocket Notebook
64 plain pages

Flap pocket on inside back cover
Blind debossing on front and back cover



Width 3.5" x Height 5" (89 x 12mm)

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